Studio Policies


Contract Terms: The term of commitment is on a monthly basis. Every student is afforded the possibility of opting out of lessons after the first lesson, but once the student attends the second lesson, the month commitment is engaged and financial responsibility for the month is assumed. If a student wishes to terminate lessons, I request one month of notice.

Schedule: Lssons will be held once per week unless we have mutually decided on another frequency. Lessons will be 30, 45, or 60 minutes based on the students age and ability level.

--Any changes to the schedule will be discussed via text or email.


Materials: Required materials will be discussed in the first lesson. Students are responsible for the costs of the materials. Obtaining materials can be done personally, or you are welcome to reimburse me. Any material fees will be added to your monthly invoice.

Attendance/ Makeup Lessons: Makeup lessons will be arranged individually between myself and the student’s parent. Cancellations that are eligible for a makeup lesson must be reported 24 hours in advance. If an absence is not communicated ahead of time, that lesson is not eligible for a makeup lesson. Timeliness is essential. If a student is more than 15 minutes late, it is assumed that the lesson is forfeited.

Practicing: Regular practice is expected and required. Specific expectations will be discussed in lessons and reflected on the take-home practice logs. Steady and thoughtful work brings dramatic change!

Payment / Pricing: Invoices will be sent out at the beginning of each month via email, and will be due at the first lesson of each month. By signing up for lessons, you are committing to payment for each lesson of each month. You may not pick and choose dates to purchase/attend. Cash, check, Chase QuickPay, PayPal and Venmo are all accepted.

Lessons are $55 for 30 minutes, $75 for 45 minutes, and $100 for 60 minutes.

A late fee of $10 will be charged for untimely payments.